Erst of the Ant exudes anastrophe of Poise-Spore, Abnorm, No-Skool-Noyzcore, precarious ill-rational odd/difficult/unheimlich Free-Range, drastic diversionary diverge, outlandish extropy with NoyzGrynd Harsh, Strentor, gerated RiotGear/Fray/Bolstered-Breyx, some of the most anfractuous, sinewy complex & rhythmically challenging/intense tergiversation & illuding… advanced experiments & realm explorations in Off Road, abrasive FreeJazz austerity, Phosphorous Funk, Glyph-Hop & shit ya neva herda’. Without peer, containment or category an omnium gatherum of the furthest & most fucked studies & preformation of deformation & divagation. Base materials of Grind/Noyz/Farrago ingress in an extension of laboratory sorcery along with exclusive maul from Megrim Mercurial, Menstrum Mangroves, & absolute alterity & audio abrasives from the extraordinary Kikanju Baku, ratiocentric presbyteral of the psychedel.CDR is the receptacle.
As fucked up as possible & as wildering as the wizards wand works the synapses… I yield to the current & lose all criteria of order, position, convention & limit.
here is a matted mastic miscellaneous miscegenated morsel mp3 mix to caress th contours of th inevitable psionic happenings...
audio cdr, unique paint-daub actual-on-body's, variegating hand-crafted full-colour pro-printed sleeves individually numbered (by pincer) stupendous visual prism amalgams
direct to source...
LINKS th living legume, Kikanju Baku!!! more stupendous usur-human mantics & meta-mutagens
Megrim Mercurial is a sodality of largely London based musicians playing purely autochediasmic trans-genre outbursts spanning & encompassing Farrago, Fusion, Free-Jazz, Breakcore, Glitch, IDM, Noisecore, Gunk, Grind, Fray, Riot-Gear, Poise-Spore, Trip-Hop, Harlequin-Haze-Hop, Phosphorus-Funk, Glyph-Hop, Experimental/Avant-Gaurde/Psychedelic/Noise/Off-Road & way' way beyond. it was devised & is generally piloted & regulated by Kikanju Baku, a drummer & composer that few out-side the most hypogeal uber-underground-echelons will have any awareness of despite his indubitable expansions on improv & contrived music/noise. the clerisy generally expound there polychromatic euphenisms in rehearsal-studios & squats (albeit with almost every divination recorded & preserved) but has incinerated, baffled & awed audiences on occasions throughout Londons expanse. international artists have also clasped-claws & resumed the extrusion position, always live as Megrim is a strictly live & extemporary activity. the cabal continues to rive open new territories & envelope fresh postulants for further discolouration & ambivalent side-effects. a myriad of Megrim Mercurials remarkable recordings are available in hand made sleeves on CDR format through one of the world’s most recondite & specialist music/noise distros Gobbledy-Gunk at
Down With The West-s/t demo cdr

lyv Breakcore, Fray, RiotGear, Jungle distortion duo DWTW will stupefy with their alarmingly fast seditious rejectionist amalgam of progressive but thoroughly raw improvised Noyzcoresque distemper.
237 copies, EA 03
Menstrum Mantics

anomaly & adnate... dual-drummer-damage-density with E Blursh & Kikanju Baku! ... um, dats fists-up drunk & disorderly Lancs n' Leeds Gryndcore ultra' ultra fucking bad-arses The Afternoon Gentlemen merging with capos of kinetica Piscatorial Boat Herder/JiJuDongLi doing their Breykcore-Jazz hyper-hybrid, & thus-magnificently chaotic NoyzGrynd Abnorm Farrago skitz with two of th hardest & fastest non-triggered drummers just splaying th fat whilst all sorts of discord & damage is dolloped on th jagged ruins of audience hospitality. th shit eventually sostenutos in2 a vaguely "musical" medium with head-blossoming ultra fast turbo-swing lyv breakcore Off-Road. unutterable unbelievables. Czech oldskool veteran Strentor Napalmed jolt with 3 fatal currents of ebullient harsh bliss. one long track of odd-ball Experimental Noyz frum Ukraine’s DaoDeNoize.
386 copies, EA 04
Arboreal Anecdote And Avizandic Areola

Kikanju Baku & Government Alpha/Yasutoshi Yoshida lyv an spontaneous in Shinjyuku... lofi from one of Megrim Mercurials most inventive, adventurous & enigmatic members-Adio doing supra evocative Voodoo Harlequin-Haze-Hop, Farrago Poise-Spore compository with Bakuhatsu, Menstrum Mangroves dual bass - Kobayashi cutting her keys, or cutting yu with her keys, berserk clonus piano drums extreme free-jazz paralysis, Bollock Swine with GA braying yur balls flat & ejecting th residue in2 neptunes gas shroud plus more MM!!! can yu frig it?
305 copies, EA 05
Demilune From Hebephrenic Girl On Disused Mushroom Farm

spring boarding with two of th most energetic & ferocious No-Skool-Noyzcore trax yu will ever' ever hear (promise! promise! promise!) TAG shocker-hooligans & Kikanju Baku rupture every organ & blood vessel in th body with a streak of sonic incisions & forced exits of some frighteningly advanced FrayGunkNoyzBlur! astonishing, astounding, astronomic.... !!!! ... super supple psycho sexy succulent & scintillating... it's Hinyouki! one of my absolutely favourite hasrh Noyz/Spate groups ever' ever! fizzing jerky ultra energetic harsh spazzimodo from these loons of soap land. other phenomenal exploratory discourse from th Menstrum Mangroves matrix & beyond!!!
326 copies, EA 06
Bollock Swine-totem shoal

oh my fuk! do yu kno this band? do yu kno th King Of All Kongz? do yu kno th Kikanju Baku/Gaki Shidosha Kine-Kaku-Kaya? this is th fastest most frenetic Noyzcore/Gunk band ever' ever' ever' ever!!! talk about inhuman, i dunno who th hell theez tautological Torikowashi terrors are or what’s wrong with their DNA but this is a jowk, Blurbeats 2 make yu sick, blast beyond th pale of possibility, an absolute sonic smudge of total jest & animalism & extra-terrestrial amplitude, juuuuust fuckiiiiing RIDICULOUS!!!!!
373 copies, EA 07
Over Orgazm And Obstrep

oh my OH MY!!! enough 2 scramble any spirit & introrse even th most resilient of bone matter, a ridiculous - choke on yur own tongue super-nova uv Poise-Spore, & absurd Off-Road extravaganski. Game Boy phonic Canadian Splittercore terror frum cult killing-ground outlaw Terrorist Kriss & otherwise the wildest Jazz-spazz, stupendous Phosphorus-Funk & dazzlingly harsh User-Hostile Poise Spore free-formation-froth-fume fuck! FUCK!!! F!U!C!K! 18th galaxy!
379 copies, EA 08
Piscatorial Boat Herder/ याब-युम -masarovar floodplain

याब-युम defined Poise-Spore, transmuting between cacophonic, densely distorted, harshness & much more musical mediums, with protagonists playing together & also against each other & often totally obfuscating any dictum of time/retion/restraint or th typical conventions of more "musical" formats & instrumental orthodoxy. it was way too harsh/distorted & fukd up 2 call music but way too virtuous & prone to stints of rhythm & construction to call Noyzcore, hence Poise-Spore. so scratching at illusion this is very far out stuff with dramatic changes across the four channels, some kind of sonic ceremony or summoning, trippy as shit penetrating deep into th uncharted & forbidden quarters. PBH playing under hideous distortion (accidental i assure) with th signature Phosphorous-Funk hyper fast improvised exuberant Jazz orientated multiplicity! these recordings are all lofi & shit (more than usual) & thus will only be accessible to those with their 3rd eyes open & parallel platforms palpable kyu-kyu-kyuk!!!
97 copies, EA 09
Unsufflation Paraenesis (an awkward answer to astrophysics)

*GASP*! sixteen slivers of souterain sublimate including harsh & erratic gattling suppression-fyr from FztFwrd, momentous psychedelic mutagen harsh industrial marsian experimental improvyzed Poyz-Spore conjuring between Androyd-Praying For Oblivion/Tote Stadt, King Of All Kongs-Asscavern & Kikanju Baku-schnitzel slumper, another Kanju/Yasutoshi/Government Alpha Shinjuku session & further concourse of Noyzcore, kinetic & involuted hazardous Jazz, Poise-Spore & intricate imaginatory ingenuity improvisational ictus.
244 copies, EA 10
기세, 탄력, 자극, 충동 난잡, 혼란, 무차별 유행병, 전염병

Vascular cartwheels & major fraying of th brayn-stem laureate lunacy harsh, careering blur astatic frenzy, extravagant equivoke, lyk overgrown for centuries in th WTF departments all elide for one giant redefinition of mangle hysteria & mutation, morphology, megrim. Terrorist Kriss, Hinyouki, Pulemet, Sadistic Lingam Cult, more Kikanju bakuhatsu & other caustic abrasives to further disrupt & distend… split down th middle & incinerated before th cleaved slabs have th chance to hit th deck!!!
79 copies, EA 11
Bollock Swine-gongju in grayvyard

Good-grievous-ganglia-garish… th magnificent illucid major-malformation Bollock Swine resurface to violate realities angles & vandalize th senses…. unthinkable Abnorm No-Skool-Noyzcore, BlurBlast Gunk scream-sodden Avant Off-Road spastic suppression-sexualized Gunk Distortion Harlequin-Haze-Hop spontaneity that lurches, darts, staggers, slithers, struts between coherent & totally frenzied fuckedness! Glorious beyond belief & as unique as they come, seven slats uv total slush n’ over-oestrogen theatrix!!!
77 copies (3 alternate covers), EA 12
pulchritude, pubic-paynim, prognostication, provost & phylogenic promiscuity, so stunned, stricken-stupid *__*